Mud City Press


Early Collected Poems by Harry MacCormack

From author's introduction:

"My first title for this collection was simply Tracks. While working on my book Cosmic Influences on Agricultural Processes in 2010 I realized that yes, a collection of years of poetry is tracks, or as my partner Cheri Clack says, 'A kind of autobiography.' But poems are more: They are not a historic or 'real' event; rather they are vestiges triggered by the inner experiences related by that event. Poems are like particles in an accelerator, or in the universe, neither materially manifested nor merely wave energy. They have spoken or printed reality as Traces that may last a moment, a generation, or as long as libraries keep collections of poetry."


Harry MacCormack is a farmer, poet, writer, and philosopher. He was educated at Lewis and Clark College, Harvard University, and the University of Iowa Writer's Workshop. He has been a teacher of environmental, agricultural, and spiritual studies, and has also taught theatre, poetry, and play and screenplay writing at Oregon State University. As an organic agriculture practitioner and advocate, he was co-founder of Oregon Tilth, founder of the Southern Willamette Bean and Grain Project and a founding board member of the Ten Rivers Food Web, where he still serves as the organization's president.